Getting Together Safely

supervised visitation program
of East Texas CASA

Getting Together Safely (GTS) is here to protect the best interest of children whose parents have a custody or visitation matter within the family courts.  Sometimes, as a precaution, a judge will decide that in order for a child to have contact with a parent, a neutral third person must be present during any visitation.

GTS provides a safe, neutral and friendly place that encourages positive and comfortable interaction between children and their non-custodial parents. The goal of GTS is to aid families in working together to provide a happy and hopeful environment for their children.

Visits are done in a secure, comfortable facility and are closely monitored by trained staff.  Security is on premises at all times and, if necessary, the monitor will intervene for the safety or welfare of the child/children.  The center is equipped with toys and games to promote interaction and fun activities for families. GTS visitation is held two Saturdays a month. Scheduled dates and times are determined by Getting Together Safely.  Once the schedule is set, it will remain the same for each visit.

How the process works:

  • Each client must call GTS to schedule an intake interview separately. Please do not bring spouses or children to intake interview. Each client will receive detailed rules and procedures of the program during the intake interview and is required to sign in agreement to all GTS rules
  • Upon completion of both interviews, the visits will be scheduled by the Program Director in accordance with the set GTS schedule.
  • Custodial and non-custodial parents  must bring a court order stating the supervised visitation is to happen at GTS.
  • Visits will continue until such time as ordered by the courts, or one or both parties fail to attend, or GTS determines it is in the best interest to cease visits.

Each client is expected to pay the following fees  below unless one client is ordered to pay all visitation fees.

$50 – Intake fee, unless court orders say to split fees with other party – Due at intake interview
$40 – Per visitation, unless court orders say to split fees with other party – Due at each scheduled visit

For more information, contact Ryah Post at (903) 235-6928 or email at

**GTS is a member of the Supervised Visitation Network